Our Brand
Find Your Inspiration at Artehaus

Welcome to Artehaus, a sanctuary of artistic expression where fashion, art, and creativity converge in a unique experience. Founded by a couple who transformed their love for art into a lifestyle, Artehaus offers an exclusive selection of clothing, shoes, accessories, and more, carefully curated to inspire and uplift the souls of those who visit us. Inspired by the Bauhaus mentality, where the artistic eye becomes the builder of a world filled with art, at Artehaus, we believe in the beauty of creativity in every detail. From our collections' design to our spaces' layout, each element is imbued with a sense of aesthetics and purpose, inviting our customers to immerse themselves in a universe where fashion merges with art to create an unforgettable experience.

We transform
art into a Lifestyle

Our People
Celebrating Authenticity and Inspiration

At Artehous, we are committed to celebrating our community's creative diversity. We value those who appreciate and nurture self-expression as an integral part of their lives, from inspiration to knowledge to new experiences. We firmly believe in fostering an environment where individuals feel valued and respected for their uniqueness. At Artehaus, we nurture and support the creative growth of every community member, inspiring them to reach new heights on their journey toward authenticity and personal fulfillment.

Our Customer
Embark on this Artistic Experience

At Artehaus, we warmly invite all who wish to explore and immerse themselves in the artistic experience. We are dedicated to providing a space where creativity is celebrated and nurtured, and each individual is encouraged to express themselves freely. We recognize and value the relentless desire for discovery that drives our members, fueling their constant pursuit of inspiration and adventure. Through our ongoing interaction with the community, we enrich each other, sharing knowledge and unique perspectives. At Artehaus, we strive to create an environment where authenticity and excellence are celebrated, inspiring everyone to discover the beauty and creativity surrounding us.